erythema nodosum specialist
Most of the usual aetiologies were excluded by laboratory testing and imaging studies. Correlation of the clinical presentation with laboratory studies suggested a diagnosis of tuberculosis-associated erythema nodosum. Erythema Nodosum Causes Symptoms And Treatment Health Care Qsota Panniculitis occurs when there is inflammation of the layer of fat lying underneath the skin. . Erythema nodosum most commonly affects both shins. In addition certain medications and even pregnancy can cause erythema nodosum. This form of EN can continue for. She was evaluated by an infectious disease specialist who confirmed the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis. Erythema nodosum is a hypersensitive inflammatory response of subcutaneous fatty tissues to certain. I had a patient with erythma nodosum but when I consulted a specialist he told me it is not because erythema nodosum does not fade on applying pressure. Often however t...